Upload Format

The processed upload feature has one and only one use case: importing document productions created by outside parties into CaseFleet. If you are not uploading a document production, then there is no reason to use this feature.

Processed uploads are initiated by uploading a .zip file on the Uploads tab and selecting “Processed” as the type for the Upload.

These .zip files contain:

  1. Documents
  2. Data about the documents. This data must contain Bates-label data, but it can also include metadata provided by the party who created the production.

<aside> ⚠️ The .zip file for a processed upload must not be encrypted. If it is encrypted, CaseFleet cannot process it, and it will have to be recreated. Note that CaseFleet’s cloud storage is encrypted at rest, so an unencrypted .zip archive will still be stored securely.


Zip Archive Contents & Structure

In order to quickly and accurately migrate data into CaseFleet, it is important that the data be arranged in a consistent manner. The contents of the .zip file have two components:

  1. A data file (in .csv or .dat format), that provides all of the metadata information for the files that will be imported. See below for more information regarding its format.
  2. A set of native and/or image files associated with every row in the data file. These will be uploaded and processed based on the provided path information within the data file.

Here’s the best structure:

Native Files and Images

If both a native file and one or more image files (PDF or TIFF) are present for a single Bates-stamped document in the upload, CaseFleet will always use the image files. We do this because the image files are Bates-stamped while the native files are not, and the Bates-stamped document is usually considered the “official” version of a document after it has been produced.

<aside> ⚠️ If you would like for CaseFleet to use the native version of a document as the official version, please ensure that no image files are included with a matching Bates number.


Load File Format