Processed uploads and native uploads are priced differently in CaseFleet.

Native Uploads

The price of a native upload depends on the number of files contained in the upload and the aggregate size of those files. The base charge is equal to the greater of (1) the size in MB * $0.10 or (2) the number of files * $0.05. From the base charge, we then subtract $25.00.

Here are some sample values for 3 different uploads:

size in MB # of files size in MB * $0.10 # of files * $0.05 quote
500 120 $50.00 $6.00 $25.00
10 900 $1.00 $45.00 $20.00
1000 2000 $100.00 $100.00 $75.00

Processed Uploads

Processed upload quotes are easier to calculate. The quote is simply the size in MB of the files in the upload * $0.10, plus a base charge of $225.

Here are some sample values:

size in MB size in MB * $0.10 quote
500 $50.00 $275.00
10 $1.00 $226.00
1000 $100.00 $325.00

*Note that other factors, such as rush requests or technical complications, may also be considered in the quote provided for processed upload projects.